25 April 2010

Enchanted Affinity

Finding hope in sublime thoughts
A make believe world, everything is sought

Silent tears and prayers abound
Every wish is the last if fulfilled and found

Hiding and seeking, finding troubles along
Living in heaven and within hell's bound

Voices become feeble until unheard
In a play of the senses with the one who is heard

Misery and mystery beget each other
All seems lost in finding one and another

Time tells tales of timelessness
Risks untold and lives changed

The soul dawns colors but a chosen few
Left with nothing but the darkest hues

A thousand struggles for a hollow smile
A heavy price for what is thought worthwhile

Walking a tight rope with a steep fall
Heading no where and hanging mid air

Still holding on that spot and wanting to be there
A method in madness probably consoles the despair

Such is the disease and such is the cure
One is not to be without the other

But knowing it once is enough to deplore
The customary life without its enfold

And feeling and living just once I'd rather
than a thousand lives just living the norm

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Chandan said...

Interesting war of words ... Couldn't quite conclude on your status though. You've given up and do not want the experience again, or are you still holding on?

Gazy said...

:) Hope is the other thing that makes the world go around.